
Things you didn't know about

The Thai White Temple

The White Temple

The Temple is one of the most decorative temples in Thailand. It is unique, exquisite, and splendorous in every aspect. The White Temple, also known as Wat Rong Khun, Wat Rong Khun has gained popularity since its creation. The Temple is situated in the south of the Chiang Rai province. The White Temple is often related and compared to its neighboring temple, which is, in fact, a museum. That museum is located in the northern part of the same province, known as Black House.

But in this article, few things about the White Temple will be discussed that you didn’t know before.


The White Temple of Chiang Rai


The White Colour Signifies the Piousness of Buddha

Most of the temples in Thailand are colored either gold or red. However, the White Temple is colored thoroughly white. Decorations, ornaments, religious figures, statues, dragons, and various animals are all painted white. From floor to roof, walls to windows, and fences to bridges, white is the only color you could witness. The white color of Wat Rong Khun cast a majestic spell on its visitors.

Symbolically, the white color is used in the temple to depict the purity of Buddhism. It represents that the purity of the temple is as same as the attributes of Buddha.

The White Temple Depicts a Symbolic Note

As explained in the above caption, just like the temple’s color, the statues of Buddha, mythical figures, and positions of various deities are also the artist's decision. From every angle, you could find a religious or symbolic message. The White Temple has a passionate motive to escape from evil desires and purify yourself to seek enlightenment by the teachings of Buddha.


Statues in The White Temple


Wat Rong Khun is Still an ongoing Project

The construction of Wat Rong Khun began in 1997. Since its construction, several major and minor changes have been to the White Temple and its gardens. The artist of the temple, Ajam Chalermchai Kositpipat, made many alterations and significant additions that make a compound of nine buildings the most attractive tourist spot of Thailand.

The White Temple is so fascinating that, according to an estimation, the temple will remain under construction for several more decades and even after the death of its creator.

It Has Endured an Earthquake

The White Temple in Thailand has also survived an earthquake that occurred on 5th May 2012. That earthquake hit the district of Mae Lao of Chiang Rai province. It was considered that the earthquake had done some damage to the temple’s structure but a survey of the inspection team proved it wrong.

Temple’s Interior Represents Various Characters

Inside the temple, there are various figures of famous personalities. Iconic people have been represented either as carvings on the wall or as miniature statues. Such famous people include Michael Jackson, Spider-Man, Darth Vader, and Angry Birds characters as well.


Carvings at The White Temple


Three-Tiered Roof of the White Temple

One thing that visitors don’t get at first that the White Temple has more than one roof. Inspired by traditional Buddhist temples, Wat Rong Khun was also constructed as a three-roof temple. On each roof, there are sculptures of mysterious figures and animals.

It is Designed and Renovated by the Same Artist

The White Temple of Thailand is designed by a Thai national artist Chalermchai Kositpipat, a native of the Chiang Rai province. Chalermchai has dedicated a significant portion of his life to the temple and is still serving the temple by making several valuable amendments.

The White Temple Can Be Toured Independently

One can easily and independently tour Chiang Rai, White Temple. There are many cafes, restaurants, and local Thai food stalls for hungry visitors. No dress is needed to visit the White Temple but, visitors, particularly women, are advised to cover their shoulders and knees.