
Start planning your trip

How we create your itinerary

Zhang Lina

1. Use the cotact form below to make an inqury with us

Sun Yifan

2. We will then craft an itinerary based on your preferences

Wei Wei

3. We will send you the detailed itinerary

Yang Bin

4. We work with you to refine the itinerary until you're satisfied

15,000+ travelers enjoyed personal, memorable and satisfactory private tour with us each year. (No join-in group tour)”

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+86 189 0773 7364
Office hours (EDT)
9am to 6pm
9am to 5:30pm
10am to 5pm

A great experience with Go Find Orient Travel. Our guide and driver were on time and explained everything. Especially our guide Suria, she was excellent, very informative and helped us up the mountain. The hikking in Batur Mountain was reasonable level if fitness needed but very achievable. Wear good shoes (not sandles)