Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. All the tours are sold by us subject to these terms and conditions, the general information and quotations. Go Find Orient, whose administrative offices are at Room 401, Block A, No.191 Changle Road, Shanghai, China, is a member of Shanghai International Travel Service (SCITS). In these terms and conditions, we use ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ representing Go Find Orient; ‘you’ and ‘your’ means all persons named on the bookings, or any of them applicable.

Paying for your holiday

The booking procedure of a tour is shown on our website and in your itinerary quotation. All bookings are subject to booking condition and a deposit should be made before you ask us to confirm your bookings. Please note that the person who makes the bookings is taken to have accepted these booking conditions on behalf of all participants on the booking. A check of availability of the required arrangements will be made once we have received the applicable payment(s) due at time of booking showing on your itinerary quotation or emails your travel consultant writing to you. If the required arrangements are available, we will send you your booking confirmation/invoice, in case, the required arrangements are not available we will discuss with you to make some alternatives till all arrangements can be confirmed. Please carefully check your booking confirmation and all tickets/documents as soon as you receive them and contact us immediately if there is any incorrect detail especially the passport information of the participants. We regret we can’t accept any liability if we are not notified of any inaccuracies in any document in 10 days of our sending it out. Although we will endeavor to correct any errors notified to us after this, you must be responsible for any cost involved in doing so.

Advance payment
The deposit is a part of full payment of your tour which will be shown on your itinerary quotation. In addition to the deposit, there is a “Advance Payment” which means full or part payment of certain elements of your tour such as airfares may be required to pay earlier than the balance due date at the time of booking or at some point between booking and balance due date. On occasions, some suppliers may ask us to make Advance Payment to secure the booking of accommodation and other services during periods of peak demand, for example, in order to secure the booking during the Christmas holiday. Whist suppliers may have no contractual right to make such requests, result in the loss of confirmed arrangements if we failed to comply with them. Where this situation arises, we reserve the right to make Advance Payment within a stipulated period and prior to balance due date.

Balance payment
The balance payment must be made not later than the date specified on the booking confirmation which is normally no less than 30 days prior to the departure date. We will remind you to pay the balance on time, but if we do not receive all payments due in full after 3 times reminders, we will treat your booking as cancelled and you must pay the cancellation charges. Please refer to cancellation charges shown in section 3 based on the date your booking will be treated as cancelled.
Full payment is required at the time of booking for all bookings made after balance due date as above.


If you Change of your holiday

If you want to change your holiday after you get the booking confirmation from us, we will pass your requirement to the relevant supplier immediately, but do not guarantee that such changes can be made. Once a change can be made, we will change for any additional costs incurred, for example, booking of accommodation during the peak season; or a change of name on or other alteration to an airline ticket that usually incur a 100% cancellation charge and full rebooking fee.


If you cancel your holiday

You may cancel your confirmed booking at any time before your departure. Once you have to do so, you must send us written notification by email and retain the receipt of written acknowledgement sending from us as proof.

If you have to cancel your confirmed booking, a cancellation fee calculated as a percentage of total holiday cost will be charged. The percentage payable depends on the date we receive your written cancelation notification by email. In the event of cancellation, please note that any Advance Payments as set out in section 1 “Advance Payment” that are non-refundable, unless such amounts are recoverable from suppliers as we shall endeavor to mitigate these to the extent we can reasonably to do so. 

When we calculate the cancellation fee, we have already taken account of the costs of holiday arrangement and booking, as well as any the generation of income from other bookings and cost saving which may be able to offset out loss from the cancelation. However, please be advised that this may not be achievable due to the tailor-made nature of tour.
With respect to cancellation of part of your booking, the cancellation charge includes any direct cancellation costs: our reasonable administration costs of dealing with the arrangement of cancellation, any Advance Payments relevant to the cancelled part of the holiday. We will do our best to mitigate these to the extent we can reasonably do so. 

In respect of alteration or cancellations by you after commencement of travel and unused services, we will endeavor to implement any changes you request to your tour arrangement once it has commenced, but we are not able to guarantee these changes can be made. In case, these amendments being made you shall assume any cost that may incur and any direct cancellation charges that may be levied for the original booking. We cannot guarantee any refunds will be paid to customers who do not complete the tour. However, once we can get a refund from principals for services not used or hotels, we will definitely pass it to you except any reasonable administration charges.

The cancellation charges are calculated as follows:

l  Cancellation notification received 14 days prior to departure date: 0% of total cost of holiday will be charged.

l  Cancellation notification received 7 to 13 days prior to departure date: 10% of total cost of holiday will be charged.

l  Cancellation notification received 3 to 6 days prior to departure date: 50% of total cost of holiday will be charged.

l  Cancellation notification received 2 to 0 days prior to departure date: 100% of total cost of holiday will be charged.


Plus, any Advance Payments made as set out in section 1” Advance Payment” above, unless such amounts can be recovered from suppliers as we shall do our best to mitigate these to the extent we can reasonably do so. We will deduct them from the cancellation fee once we can mitigate these losses. 

Never travel without insurance, the unexpected can always happen. We strongly suggest you to obtain travel insurance for your trip as you may have chance to recover the cancellation charges less any excess on your travel insurance policy, depending on the detail of your insurance policy. Please read your policy carefully and it is your responsibility to make sure that you are adequately covered by insurance for all elements of your trip.


If we change your holiday

a) Changes have to be made to the confirmed holiday arrangements.
Sometime, some inevitable insignificant changes have to be made to your confirmed holiday arrangements and we have right to do so. We will send you the written notification to you by email, when an insignificant change is made prior to departure date. There is no compensation should be paid for this insignificant change.

b) Event of circumstances beyond control
Occasionally, some uncontrol events may occur before departure which result in that we have to make a significant alternation to any of part of your confirmed booking of travel services or to any special requirements which we have accepted as referred to in section ? In case we have to do so, section 4 c) and d) will apply. Significant changes before departure are likely as follows: A significant adjustment of the itinerary has to be made because of change of flight or change of departure time of the flight; a change of accommodation area for the whole or a major part of time of your tour; a change of accommodation to that of a lower official classification or standard for the whole or a major part of your tour.

(*Kindly be noted: a. A change of a hotel of the same level which does not affect the tour, does not constitute a significant change. b. A slight change of itinerary due to the change of the flight does not constitute a significant change.)

c) Written notification of any significant alternation should be sent to you in time
In case that we have to make any significant alteration to the main characteristic of your confirmed arrangements or accepted special requirements, we will send you the written notification by email as soon as possible and the content should include: (i) the reasons of alteration(s); (ii) Any impact on the price the proposed alternation(s) generated? (iii) in case, you do not wish to accept the alternation(s) or any details of any substitute package we are able to provide or any price reduction we can offer; (iv) In the event you do not want to accept the alternation(s) or any substitute package we provided, you can cancel your booking and get a full refund.

(d) Choose to cancel the booking
If you choose to cancel your booking after receiving our written notification as 4(c), we will refund all payment that you have already made to you and please notice us by email within 14 days from you receiving our notification. If we don’t hear from your decision within the specific period, we will treat it as you decide to cancel your booking and will refund all payment made to us within 14 days of our doing so. No compensation will be paid or other liability accepted once a change results from unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see section 6 unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances) 

(e) Cancelation for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances
In case, the unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see section 6) happening in your holiday destinations or vicinities which have got immediate affect you will have right to cancel prior to departure without cancellation charges. Once this situation occurs, we will inform you as soon as possible.

(f) Occasionally, we have to cancel your confirmed holiday arrangement
We are entitled to terminate your contract and cancel your confirmed holiday arrangements in the event we are prevented from carrying out your confirmed holiday arrangements due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstance (see section 6) and we will inform you this as soon as possible. Once we have to cancel your holiday because these circumstances, the payment you have already paid to us will be refunded within 14 days of the date we notify you the cancellation. We will not further take responsible for other liability for you including in regard to compensation or any expenses or costs you incur or have incurred. We will try our best to provide you similar alternatives where possible which you may choose to book to replace the those cancelled. If you fail to make payment according to the terms of your confirmation letter or contract in which case section 2 and 3 will apply.

(g) In the event, we have to make cancelation or significant alternation
In the event, we have to make cancelation or significant alternation, we will pay you the compensation where compensation is appropriate. The compensation sets out below in the table, subject to the payment of compensation referred to in section 4(d) and 4(f).

Period of notification before scheduled               

Compensation per person

departure date

More than 60 days


59-40 days


39-25 days


24-15 days


14-0 days



Transfers your place on your booking to another person

You may choose to transfer your place on your booking to another person (introduced by you) in the event you need cancel your confirmed holiday arrangements. You should provide whom will be replaced by this person and this person is satisfied all conditions which form part of your confirmation letter or contract with us. The requirement of a transfer should be made not less than 7 days prior to the departure date and the name and other applicable details of the person(s) who will replace you must be provided as well. Before the transfer takes effect, all reasonable charges and costs incurred by any of our suppliers or by us according to the transfer should be paid. Because most airlines do not allow any name changes after tickets have been issued for any reason, for flight inclusive booking, you have to pay the cost levied by airline concerned.


Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances

In this booking terms and conditions, unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances mean that a situation beyond our control and its consequences are not avoidable although all reasonable measures had been taken. Such as war, riots, insurrection, civil action, strikes, industrial action, terrorist activity, governing authority or governments decisions, weather threaten, earthquake, volcanic explosion, tsunami, epidemics/pandemics and fire disaster, etc. Except all of these, we cannot accept any liability or pay any compensation or other sums for those which are not in these kinds of circumstances such as the performance of the confirmation of the holiday arrangements is affected or prevented or you suffer any loss or damage (more full descriptions in section 7(i)). 


Responsibility of us

We promise we will perform our contract with you as we have agreed to arrange, perform or provided with reasonable skill and care. It means that we will accept responsibility according to these booking conditions if, for example, you suffer from personal injury, death or your holiday arrangements are not provided as what were confirmed or contracted or prove deficient due to the failure of ourselves, our employees or suppliers to use reasonable skill and care in making, performing or providing, as applicable, your contracted holiday arrangements. However, please kindly note that it is your responsibility to show the evidence proving the reasonable skill and care has not been used if you wish to make a claim against us. Additionally, we only take responsibility for what our employees do or not do during the cause of their employment or carrying out work we had instructed our suppliers to do. We do not take any responsibility for any loss, illness, injury, death, damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatever resulting from any of the following: (a) unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as defined in section 6. (b) A self-inflicted fault. (c) unpredictable or unavoidable fault of a third party not connected with the provision of your holiday. In addition, we will not take the responsibility for that you do not enjoy your holiday or suffer any problems caused by a reason you did not tell us when you booked the holiday with us. Pleases note that we are not responsible for any services which do not form part of your travel confirmation. This includes, for example, any excursion or activities you purchase during your holiday from any other supplier instead us, or any additional services or facilities which your hotel or any other supplier provide for you where these services and facilities are not forming part your you holiday as we made in the holiday confirmation.


Flights and your responsibility

The flight details we provided in your itinerary quotation are guidance or reference only and subject to change. The exact flight details will be on your travel confirmation, sent once every booking of your holiday has been confirmed. Please note: all the times shown on e-tickets are local times and the times may be changed even after all tickets have been dispatched. We will inform you as soon as if this occurs. We will advise you of the actual carrier(s) as well. Any change to the operating carrier(s) after your booking has been confirmed, we will inform you as soon as possible.  

We cannot take responsibility for your late arrival for the check in and missing your flight nor can we take responsibility for any loss of air tickets, vouchers or coupons by you. We cannot accept liability for your own responsibility for flight missed due to your failure to reconfirm or check e-mails for notification of flight time changes.

You must ensure that you have taken all the documents, passports and visa for boarding. We regret we do not take any responsibility if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to your failure to carry correct documentation. In addition, please make sure the name on your air tickets must be exactly the name that appears on your passport.

Please note that passport, visa and other requirements may change so you must check the up-to-date position in good time before departure. We cannot accept any liability for expired documents which result in fines or other financial penalty or cost or expenses incurred. 

We cannot take responsibility for your failure to comply with customs regulations.



Should you feel unsatisfied with any service we have provided or have any complaints about any aspect of arrangement during your trip, you must inform your local guide or the representative of our local supplier immediately. Your problems can be most easily solved on the spot. In the meanwhile, you can contact your 7x24 hours available travel consultant and get assistant from him/her and to avoid the potential for similar problem happening again during your trip.

In the unlikely event that an acceptable solution cannot be found, you should write to us by email within 15 days from the end of your trip with full details of your complaint. Relevant receipts and substantiating evidence must be attached to email of claim. If you fail to follow this complaints procedure, we will not be liable for any claims made later than 15 days after the complaints.


Special requests and Reduced Mobility/Medical Conditions/Disabilities

If you have special request, you must note us in writing at the time of booking. We will do our best to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, but we are so sorry that we are not able to guarantee any request will be met. Special requirements we have accepted will be specifically confirmed in writing in booking confirmation. For your own protection, you should require us to write down your requests (where it is possible for us to give this) in the confirmation if we did not do it. All special requests are subject to availability. 

We would like to advise you as to whether the proposed arrangements are generally suitable for someone with reduced mobility/medical conditions/disabilities before you make booking. We understand that reduced mobility actually means differently to different individuals, however, when we refer to reduced mobility, this means any material reduction in mobility whether this is temporary or permanent and whether caused by physical or age or mental disability or impairment or other cause of disability.



We do not arrange any excursions other than those listed in your itinerary in the confirmation that you have paid for. Our local guides or representatives may put you in touch with local organizers of excursion if you want or request. Please note that we do not have responsibility for such excursions, as your contract for such excursions will be with a local company providing the serviced not with us.


Data Protection

We will keep your personal information about you and other members of your party that you provide to us strictly confidential. And you consent us to share the information with third parties including airlines, local service providers and local accommodation for arrangement of your holiday.


Assistance during your trip

In the event you get into trouble or difficulty of any sort during your trip, we will do our best to provide you with appropriate assistance as soon as possible including finding alternative travel arrangement as may be applicable, making distance communication, consular assistance and the provision of appropriate information on health services and so on. In case you are in trouble or difficulty as a result of your negligence, the expenses incurred in our assistance will be borne on you.